[Jul 29, 2020] Our paper on SWAN-SF dataset published in Nature Scientific Data .
[Jul 22, 2020] New papers from Sumanth (on SOHO/EIT flares ) and Azim (on multivariate time series data processing ).
[Jun 24, 2020] HDMIEC-ML Workshop white paper published.
[Jan 20, 2020] Attended the EarthCube RCN HDMIEC .
[Jan 3, 2020] I will be teaching CSc4780/6780 Fundamentals of Data Science and CSc4999 Machine Learning in Space Weather Forecasting in Spring 2020. Syllabi are online and can be found in Teaching tab.
[Oct 20, 2019] Three papers got accepted to IEEE Big Data Conference and SABID workshop ( * , † , ☨ ). Another paper got accepted to ICMLA ( ↟ ). Congratulations Azim, Xumin and Max!
[Apr 12, 2019] We are organizing a Big Data Cup Challenge on Solar Flare Prediction as part of IEEE BigData 2019 . Sign up and compete !
[Dec 5, 2018] I will be teaching CSc4710/6710 Database Systems in Spring 2019. Syllabus is online and can be found in Teaching tab.
[Nov 16, 2018] Attended the EarthCube RCN Workshop - Towards Integration of Heliophysics Data, Modeling, and Analysis Tools.
[Nov 4, 2018] Presented our poster at 2018 SDO Science Workshop: Catalyzing Solar Connections.
[Oct 29, 2018] The workshop report from Roadmap for Reliable Ensemble Forecasting of the Sun-Earth System is published. It is available on arXiv. (See Section 5 and 6 for issues related to data management and data mining.)
[Oct 17, 2018] Our book Spatiotemporal Frequent Pattern Mining from Evolving Region Trajectories is published. It will be available for hardcover on November 22, 2018.
[Aug 18, 2018] Two papers got accepted to AIKE 2018 conference.
[Aug 1, 2018] Started new job as research assistant professor at Department of Computer Science.